Welcome to Fatbroccoli Technology
“Fatbroccoli local start-up company launches the first vending machine to serve ready-to-heat and eat meals in the U.A.E”
Vending Machine Locations
24x7 self-service, located in crowded public & private locations.
In the Hospitals
In the Offices
In Schools & Universities
In the GYM
In Building Residentials
In the Airport
Fatbroccoli creates a unique tech platform that automates take-away and delivery solutions using advanced vending technology.
3. Connecting vending machines with delivery apps
Consider what personal computers did to typewriters, CDs did to cassette tapes, and MP3s did to CDs. We decided to step up our efforts to revamp vending machines.
We looked deeper at the entire end-to-end process to reengineer them. How can we lower operational costs and expenses and make the machines simpler and better as a retail instrument.

How vending delivery works

Order from Delivery Apps
Customers browse their favorite stores through the delivery apps, where they can find us.

Vending Order placed
Once orders get sent, the delivery app transmits a message to our vending machine. Which books and reserve the same order placed.

When the rider arrives to the machine, they insert a delivery code on the screen. Then the vending machine supplies the items booked so that the rider can easily complete the delivery.
Works 24x7
With Most Popular Delivery Apps

Target Vending Products

Ready To Eat
Pet Food
In the News
Thank you for your time!
We hope the above has been useful to you. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to drop us a line.