Heating Instructions
You are trying to heat your fatbroccoli meals, and this is your first time?
Follow the below guideline for the correct heating time. Our meals are fully cooked and packaged only for your to re-heat them!

Microwave: 10mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 9mins at 750W power

Microwave: 8mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power

Microwave: 7mins at 750W power